Monday 8 October 2018


Hello, and thank you for stopping by. 
To inform you about myself,,,

I am Dr. Ronald Coleman, PhD.  I have spent many years (over forty) studying and in contemplation what is of and from the Holy Spirit.  I hold a Master of Divinity, a Doctor of Divinity, a Doctor of Theology, and a PhD. in Comparative Religion.  I am also what a person may label as a mystic. 

In subsequent posts, I will air what I have gleaned through years of study, thought and contemplation.  Some of these views may be controversial to some.  Truth is controversial to those who have not contemplated and thought about that which pertains to the Spirit. 

I pray that after you read what I have put forth in the upcoming posts on this blog, you will think and contemplate what has been written. 

May Peace encompass you.

In Christ,

Ronald Coleman